New Group Gift on Virtual Diva Remember the Group its free until December 1st....it will 300l again december 2nd...love you all!
New Group Gift on Virtual Diva Remember the Group its free until December 1st....it will 300l again december 2nd...love you all!
I call this my lazy weekendd! soo...my New skin Mariline... it will until sunday...middnight..... On sale! with an amazing pricee! Only...
Loreine Smoke line...its out...and you really dont wnnaa miss this... to tell you the truth i just love eyes...i do it in real...and i lo...
the beauty of this shape...just invite you to cross.... the line of imagination... and fall in love...even with the enemies... hope you li...
New release on Virtual Diva 2 beautiful Shapes No transfer - Copy and Modify Virtual Diva http://slurl.com/secondlife/Royal%20Knight/16...
i just recived this lovely skin...from Glam Affair..its on the Subcriptions Gifts of Modavia Week.... i look like an angel dont you think?...
Free free! eyes on Virtual Diva...this increible designer...its going to be a hit! look a t this beuatiful eyes...and you can find them f...
New Halloween Skin totally free! with your tag group Normally the tag its 300 lindes but for the halloween celebration ...it will be only...
ok...this its the 3th blog! i open..and im planning to open one more....hope you guys like this..my first post! woooooooooo!! Precious Sk...